If you are in an active job search and need assistance with resume writing developing a LinkedIn strategy, or general coaching services for job search strategies & tactics, interview assistance, career development advice or related services we can help!
- Resume Writing Services - having a strong resume is critical to a successful job search. An effective resume can make a major difference in getting the attention of hiring managers, recruiters, and HR and securing an interview. An effective resume not only helps you get the interview, it can also assist you during the interview process. We help you create a compelling story that highlights your career experience, accomplishments and differentiates you from other job seekers.
- LinkedIn Strategy - without a doubt LinkedIn is the most important online business networking tool in a career search today. Many think LinkedIn is just a profile. While the profile is an important ingredient there is much more to utilizing this tool in creating a professional brand and career search strategy. Not only can LinkedIn help you find great jobs it can also make sure you are always positioned in your career for future opportunities and progress. If done right it can also help you in your current position, positioning you as an industry thought leader and subject matter expert. We help candidates develop the right strategy and approach to make sure you are proactive for opportunities whether you are in an active job search or not.
- General Coaching Services - while in a job/career search there are many things candidates need help with, from interview strategies & tactics to negotiating job offers to career advancement ideas. With our extensive background in recruiting, job placement and team building we can help guide you through the complex world of career growth and progression.
How does your resume writing program work?
How effective is LinkedIn for Candidates in a job search:
What other kind of coaching services do you offer?
Will you help me find a job?